UX Design for

Hello there! 👋 I'm Daniel, a senior product designer based in Toronto currently working with RBC.
I help businesses big and small to turn their ideas into great products their customers love.
Venn diagram featuring business goals, user needs and technology as core components of product design

Some of the recent projects. Big and small.

RBC Prospect LobbyRBC App Incentives

Mobile banking app

Finance / 2020

Designing a set of features targeting new and existing clients for the #1 mobile banking app in North America. Case studies upon request.

Download RBC
PF web appPF mobile app

Money transfer app

FinTech / 2019

Web app design for online currency exchange & money transfer service catering to personal and business clients.

Car-share app featuring Discover screenCar-share app featuring Booking screen

Car-sharing app

Travel / 2019

Mobile app design for a peer-to-peer car-sharing startup that provides unique benefits to both car renters and owners.

Check out RideAlike
Image for investment management app

B2B platform for fund managers

FinTech / 2019

Web platform design and branding for an investment startup to revolutionize the way fund managers operate their funds.

Read case study
Image for Zootch – a messenger appImage for Zootch – a messenger appImage for Zootch – a messenger app

Messenger app

Social Networking / 2018

Mobile app design and branding for a messenger app that allows people to connect without revealing their personal data.

check out ZOOTCH
Image for NetZero – an invoice factoring app

Invoice factoring app

FinTech / 2018

A pilot web app design for a leading invoice funding platform to test out unique AI features prior to implementing them to the company's core products.

Visit fundthrough

The 4 step process to make your project real.

01/ Discovery

Every project starts with a discovery session where we get to know each other and conduct in-depth research.

We identify the business problems, its objectives and what makes your brand unique. We also study the market, analyze competition and figure out users' needs and pain points.

02/ Strategy

Then, we work on setting up correct goals, determine product features and estimate the scope of work that will provide an optimal business impact.

03/ Design

Finally, we are ready to move onto design. Leveraging research data and project objectives, we build the most comforting, engaging and desirable experience for users, helping them achieve their goals as quickly as possible with minimum fuss.

04/ Build

Depending on the project, the design is either handed off to developers for their coding magic or the development is done on my end.

One more thing...

05/ Launch and learn

The design is a constantly evolving and improving process thus cannot be 'completely done'. Once the product is released and people using it, we get a great opportunity to review its performance, aggregate feedback and improve based on user needs and business goals. This is the way to make your product even better.

A few
extra points.

Star Icon
Star Icon

Ten years of experience in web & software development

Delivered projects in a variety of fields

Real Estate
Social Media Platforms

Versatile in working on diverse types of digital products

Apple Logo
Native iOS app design
Android Logo
Native Android app design
PWA Logo
Progressive web app design
Responsive Website Icon
Responsive web design
Webflow Logo
Webflow development
More than 20 million people use the products I've worked on

Leveraging design process as a business tool

(here what happens under the 'design' hood)



Ready to kickstart your idea?

get in touch